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We understand there is no one-size-fits-all solution to your personal health and wellness journey.  Our program is unique to you and your goals.

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Revitalize The Health of Your Skin

Feeling refreshed and healthy goes beyond weight loss and nutrition.  Our medically guided skin treatments can help you achieve your beauty goals safely.

Non-Surgical Skin Treatments

Botox®  $12 per unit

Xeomin® $10 per unit

Dermal Fillers $500 – $800 per syringe

Restylane®, Juvederm™, Radiesse®, Belotero®, Versa™

PDO Threading $25 – $30 per thread

Other skin treatment options start at $50

What is Direct High Frequency Technology or Cryotherapy? Direct high frequency technology or Cryotherapy is an affordable non-laser treatment for minor skin irregularities such as telangiectasis (broken capillaries), cherry angiomas, keratosis, fibromas, skin tags, hyperpigmentation, milia, sebaceous hyperplasia, acne, and small melasma areas.

Medical Grade Skin Care Products

ZO Skin Health® provides comprehensive solutions for creating and maintaining healthy skin for anyone regardless of age, ethnicity, unique skin condition or type. From correcting sun damage and pigmentation to preventing and protecting against future damage, ZO® has your skin health covered.

Chemical Peel Packages start at $150

What are the benefits of professional chemical peels? Professional peels exfoliate dead skin cells and help reveal fresh, new skin. You will notice improved appearance in days and continual improvement for weeks to come. Professional peels for improving irregular discoloration, smoothing rough texture, and reducing mild scarring. Chemical peels are recommended to help break the oily skin cycle, unclog pores, and help prevent acne.

Sclerotherapy treatment plans start at $350

What is Sclerotherapy? Ascler­­a­® (polidocanol) Injection is a prescription medicine that is used in a procedure called sclerotherapy to treat uncomplicated spider veins and varicose veins in your legs.

Medical Weight Management Program

Our Medical Weight Management program is designed to help individuals achieve weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Everyone’s body and relationship with food is unique.  Achieve offers a comprehensive and customized tool box approach to create the right combination of clinical and lifestyle support to fit your personal needs.

Studies indicate the first three months of any change in lifestyle habits are the most critical in success. Our plans are designed with weekly check-ins to help you achieve your goals.


Phone: 317-763-2131


Mon, Wed, Fri – 8am – 5pm

Tue & Thur – 10am – 7pm

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